Meet The Brodsky Orthodontics Team

At Brodsky Orthodontics, the entire team is committed to providing you with a superior level of orthodontic treatment and personalized interactive patient care. Our dedicated and knowledgeable team has over 150 years of combined clinical experience in the field of orthodontics. Our team members have a history of longevity with Dr. Brodsky with an average of over 9 years of employment. We are all happy to be part of improving the smiles, self-image and confidence of our patients.

Meet our wonderful front office team members: Janis, Deanna, Jan, Lorena, Kris, and Debbie


Janis Janis, Office Manager and Treatment Coordinator (RDA)

I am still very passionate and excited to work in such a progressive orthodontic practice. I have worked in the field of orthodontics for 34 years. In 1979, Dr. Brodsky hired me to work chair side and make appliances. After my third son was born, I started working part-time in the front office doing clerical work and insurance. For the last 25 years, I have been the office manager and treatment coordinator. My role as the office manager is to make sure that our practice always provides top-quality care and customer service.  As a treatment coordinator, I love introducing new patients to our practice and answering their questions about procedures and appointments, as well as explaining financial arrangements and insurance benefits. When I am away from work, I enjoy plenty of arts and crafts projects. My husband David and I, love getting away for small weekend trips, but our favorite thing to do is visit with our 3 grown-up boys every chance we can. Following in my field is our youngest son, Andrew, who is a dental student at Tufts University in Boston.
Deanna Deanna, Patient Services Supervisor

I have worked for Dr. Brodsky since 1995, my senior year of high school. Over the 15 years, my job responsibilities have grown considerably. I love my job as Patient Services Supervisor because I get to interact one on one with our patients. I am devoted to helping patients with their orthodontic needs and look forward to helping you! I was born in Lakewood and have lived in the city my entire life. I love spending time with my family and my fiance', Loryn. Outside of the office, my passions include traveling and scrapbooking! My absolute favorite activity is watching NASCAR racing. My favorite driver is #24 Jeff Gorden (GO JEFF)!
Jan Jan, Insurance Coordinator

Making a difference in peoples' smiles is what I thoroughly enjoy! For the last 12 years at Brodsky Orthodontics I have also enjoyed and taken great pride in getting the most accurate insurance information possible for our patients. Additionally, I love working with such a great team, where we are not just a staff that has to work with each other, day in and day out, but a big family that gets along and supports each other. My husband of 23 years, Anthony, and I have both a son and a daughter whom we are very proud of. In my spare time, I enjoy gardening, going to the movies and wine tasting with friends.
Lorena Lorena, Insurance Coordinator

Working at Dr. Brodsky's office has allowed me to grow as a person both personally and professionally. The entire staff treats me with great respect and because of this, I give 110% everyday. My job is to file insurance claims on behalf of all of our patients and I take my job quite seriously. Believe it or not, I have worked here for 9 years. When I am not in the office, I am hard at work, working my second job being a mother. I have two sons, Adrian and Johnny, who are 15 and 9, as well as a 3 year-old daughter, Sophia. I also can't forget my wonderful and supportive husband Louie. On the weekends, we enjoy having family dinners as I love to entertain.
Kris Kris, Financial Coordinator

There are so many things I love about working at Brodsky Orthodontics. For one, we truly care about our patients and the teamwork here is unbelievable (there is no "I" in "Team" here). I have worked in the orthodontic field for over 25 years, the last 3 for Brodsky Orthodontics and I am glad to be working in an office where our patients are as happy to see us as we are to see them. I am the proud mother of two handsome sons. My eldest child is serving our country overseas in the military and my youngest is a student at CSULB…Life is good.
Debbie Debbie, Patient Services

This is actually my 1st year working at Brodsky Orthodontics in the digital age, but I did work for Dr. Brodsky for many years in his old office. For the past 14 years, I was a stay-at-home mom, raising two fantastic children. Now that they are both older, I am able to use my motherly instinct to comfort our patients before and after their appointments. The staff around me is quite amazing, very efficient and helpful! I am really glad to come to work each day. When I go home each day, I look forward to seeing my amazing husband Steve. We enjoy hanging out with our children and fully support them.

 Meet your Brodsky Orthodontics clinical assistants: Laura, Donna, Isabel, Francis, Marlene, Janina, Marisa, Nancy, Jessica & Alicia

 LauraLaura, Orthodontic Assistant (RDA)

I really enjoy being part of the Brodsky Orthodontics team and helping patients get the best orthodontic treatment. For over 12 years I have been an orthodontic assistant and each year I enjoy meeting all the new patients and furthering my knowledge of this field of dentistry. My family migrated to the United States from Mexico a number of years ago and I am very proud to be a citizen of this wonderful nation. I have been married for 12 wonderful years to my fantastic husband, Jesse. We have one pony named Comet and two daughters, 3 and 8, who love performing in ballet recitals when they are not riding Comet. When I am not taking care of my family, I love to cook and read books.

Donna Donna, Orthodontic Assistant (RDA) and Laboratory Services

I have worked in the field of orthodontics for 20 years and I have been with Dr. Brodsky for the last 10 years. I am happy working at a job with which I am passionate about. I absolutely LOVE children and I believe that they should always be happy, especially while they are at the orthodontist office. I have a daughter named Kayla who is my best friend and is currently in college. While my roots are in Jamaica, I was raised in Southern California most of my life. I am a very artistic person and I choose to spend my spare time knitting and making jewelry.
IsabelIsabel, Orthodontic Assistant (RDA)

Working in the field of orthodontics is absolutely awesome! After 8 years on the job, I still get the chills each day I help remove the braces from a patient who has just completed treatment and they look in the mirror for the very first time. I get joy knowing that I participated in creating their new smile and the self-confidence their smile brings to them. After work ends, all of my attention turns to my little princess, Ahlyanna. My 4 year old daughter is the joy of my life and I love being a mother.
Francis Francis, Orthodontic Assistant (RDA)

Coming to work at Brodsky Orthodontic each day is an absolute blast. I love my team members and I love talking with our patients. I have been in the dental field for 11 years, but switched to the specialty of orthodontics 4 years ago. I love watching all of our patients' smiles transform right before our eyes. At home I have 2 smiling boys of my own. My eldest son, Salvador, is a 14 year old sports fanatic. While my 8 year old, Mario, loves to spend his free time reading. In my spare time I love to hike and spend time with my family.
Marlene Marlene, Orthodontic Assistant

I feel blessed to be part of this amazing team! I have worked as an assistant in the orthodontic field for 7 years. My career started in Northern California, where I grew up. Then I got engaged to my wonderful husband, Charles, and moved southward to live with him. I am so happy to go to work each day and help our patients achieve their new smile. After work, I enjoy playing the clarinet and I am a member of the Artesia Marching Band. I have a new baby at home as well as 2 miniature Chihuahua dogs named Tibbles and Star. I love them all to death!
Janina Janina, Orthodontic Assistant

I love working at Brodsky Orthodontics because of the fun and professional working environment and the friendly and caring staff. I have worked in the orthodontic field for 25 years. I was originally born in Ecuador and came to the United States in 1970 as an exchange student because I wanted to improve my English skills. While I was here, I fell in love and decided to make New England my home. I worked in scenic Massachusetts for many years before moving out west to California. I made the big move 3 years ago to be closer to my daughter and to watch my two grandchildren, Nolan and Ava grow. When I am not babysitting my grandchildren, I love watching and cheering for the Patriots and the Celtics (except when they play the Lakers).
Marisa Marisa, Orthodontic Assistant (RDA)

I have worked in the orthodontic field for five years and I absolutely love working with patients every day. My favorite procedure at Brodsky Orthodontics is removing braces because I understand how it feels to have your smile revealed for the very first time and I often get more excited than the patient! In my spare time, I love watching reggae shows with my friends and family. I also love to sing and listen to music that makes me feel good. I am currently attending school to further my career in the dental field and hope to become a dental hygienist in the future. My other favorite activities include going to the movies with my boyfriend Danny and walking my Chihuahua Lulu. ;-)
Nancy Nancy, Orthodontic Assistant (RDA)

I have been an orthodontic Assistant for 27 years. I enjoy working with the entire Brodsky Team because they are professional, efficient, friendly, and most of all caring. I love helping and comforting patients with a gentle touch throughout the whole orthodontic process. I take much pride and joy in seeing the beautiful and self confident smile which I am involved in creating right before my eyes. I have a wonderful family to come home to each evening. I married my childhood friend 23 years ago and we have a lovely 11 year-old daughter. For the last 4 years, we have devoted all of our free time to supporting her in girl scouts activities.

JessicaJessica, Orthodontic Assistant

I have worked in the orthodontic field for five years and I enjoy it more and more each day. I recently relocated to Southern California from New Mexico to be closer to my family and I love it here. Coming to work each day is a very exciting because of the fun atmosphere. After work ends, I love to workout on the beach by running or playing volleyball. Each weekend I try to travel to a new location to experience all that Southern California has to offer.

Alicia Alicia, Sterilization Coordinator and Laboratory Services

I have been in charge of sterilization for the last 10 years. In addition, I help make some of the appliances in the dental lab. I enjoy my job very much because of the relaxed but professional atmosphere and the wonderful staff members. I live at home with my sister, Laura (an orthodontic assistant), her husband and my nieces. I lead a very active life after the work day ends. I love to hang out with friends, watch movies at the theater and I love to cook. I also love to travel all over the world with my cousins.

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